Storm Watch!

“And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:37 KJV  

Trials and tribulations come with life, that’s just part of living.  Various circumstances, disappointments and downright disasters can move in on us when we least expect it. Like a weather front that quickly blows in, life’s surprises can knock us off-balance.

We find the strength to get up and get through when we have faith in Who lies beyond our grey skies.

Our Son can dry up the rains. Our Son can displace the fog. He breaks through our clouds and illuminates the dark.

When it looks like our trials are never-ending, our Son is ever-present!

And just as our God is always there, our storms won’t always remain. Storm systems move. They can not last for very long. Even those that loom on the horizon aren’t always what they seem.

Predicted rain may fail to fall. Potential storms become false alarms. Inclement weather may fizzle without warning.

When we trust in Him, dark clouds don’t steal our peace and joy. 

With God, we can not only weather our storms but grow because of them.



By Lilka Finley Raphael

Author, Editor, Gardner, Photographer, Pharmacist


  1. Great post my sister. I really needed this reminder today. Thank you for obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit, He knew exactly what I needed to hear and He delivered it through you. BLESSINGS to you and yours 🙂


    1. So glad this was helpful to you today! Levi did the same for me this morning so I”m glad I could pass it along.

      Funny you should say that about obeying the Spirit, i worked the past three days and I don’t usually write anything weekends I work.. By the end of day three I’m pretty much done! I guess you were the reason I stayed up last night 😉

      B Blessed, Stacy! Our God is Awesome! 🙂


  2. “When you come to the end of yourself..
    God’s Grace is all that sustains..
    And That.. is enough..!”
    I have this framed, and hung over my bed.


  3. “Storm Watch” brought to mind “God O’clock” – and how our “human o’clock” also bends time in a very different way: torrid times stretching seconds to hours, joyful times squeezing hours to seconds.
    Lovely words Lilka – “Potential storms become false alarms” – God O’clock is (for me) this present moment (sorry that moment just gone … woops I mean the one before that …) 🙂


    1. Ha!

      Our false perceptions can really remove us from the company of our Father if we aren’t careful to be mindful of them..

      Sometimes we’re simply focused on all the wrong things allowing a small damp mist to keep us from enjoying the warmth of the Son.

      Enjoy your day! 🙂


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