Survive or Thrive?

Winter is very much underway. Still, I am ever hopeful and looking forward to spring.

The transition to my “personal spring” will require me to cut off a few “dead things,” and work a bit harder.  The promise of renewal encourages me to look forward to good things in my future.

Do I know what my good things are?

I haven’t a clue.

I do anticipate the best from a God Who is faithful.

Many of us merely survive. Periods of icy dormancy leave us barely making when it appears nothing productive is happening. To simply exist during those times when our winters wear us down is quite a blessing!

Yet, one thing I’ve noticed is that even after their season changes, some people fail to change with their season.

We can become so accustomed to struggling we fail to let go of our harsh past which is necessary to open ourselves up to a sun filled (Son filled?) future.

If we become stuck in a winter mentality, we can’t move forward into opportunities to thrive. New experiences that challenge us to bloom, grow or expand are dismissed because we fail to step out of our doldrums.  Some people habitually live in a mindset of winter dormancy long after that season has come and gone.

I’ve been there.

I readily admit it took effort and repetition on my part to finally move out of the dark and into the Light!

Today I was reminded of a goal I tossed aside years ago. The harsh reality of one particular “winter” buried not only my aspiration but my inspiration as well.

I felt like I was running on empty. Looking back on it I was carried more than I ran. Regardless, today God led me to give that opportunity a second look. The season for this particular goal may have come once more.

Very few of us will bloom all the time. That just isn’t the way life happens.  We must stay mindful and Spirit led to act when it is time to get moving. Doubt, fear and insecurities will keep us “stuck” if we allow it.

Our “winters” are as unique as we are but winter eventually yields to spring.

It may be the frustration of finding a job. Strained relationships. Family responsibilities. The death of a loved one. Financial burdens. Yet, when the “odds” are stacked against us, whatever the situation, we must dare to make a move. God’s blessings aren’t based on odds or luck!

Our first step of faith can move us into a new season! The decision to thrive instead of survive mandates we enjoy the journey instead of fighting to reach a destination.

We may not like those first vital steps. There may will be some discomfort. We may be forced to interact with people unlike ourselves. It can be frightening.

It may very well be exactly what we need.

What about you?

“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:”  Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV


By Lilka Finley Raphael

Author, Editor, Gardner, Photographer, Pharmacist


      1. Okay. Good. I tried to repost this blog but it would not let me, saying I was not allowed access. Maybe it is my app and I need to go to the website. I’ll try again later.


  1. You couldn’t have said it better. Thanks for the gentle reminder. God pushed me into winter and now I sense Him dragging me into spring : )


  2. Change isn’t always easy is it? But your blog title says it all..survive or thrive. Here’s to thriving 🙂 Another honest, encouraging and uplifting post Lilka, thank you. Blessings and peace to you in the struggle… ❤


    1. God is ever with us Sherri, even if we don’t “feel” it. The Opportunity to thrive is always hidden among the chaos if we take time to look for it and ask God for direction.

      I can’t say I’ve always done this but I’m learning to do so more and more. Peace to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “If we become stuck in a winter mentality, we can’t move forward into opportunities to thrive. New experiences that challenge us to bloom, grow or expand are dismissed because we fail to step out of our doldrums. Some people habitually live in a mindset of winter dormancy long after that season has come and gone.”

    Wow!!! Mindset in stone. What a post. Full of buds to ponder.


  4. Love that verse to close from Ecclesiastes 3:1.

    I definitely have my seasons. So important to change with the seasons, particular when God brings springtime, and a long dormant winter.

    Thank you for these beautiful insights Lilka. I always get ministered to here1 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Once again my sister you hit me at home. I thank God for you, and for what He is doing in and through you, and I thank you for being faithful and obedient to your call. I pray that our mighty God bless you richly in your spring season.



    1. My brother, I receive ALL of that! My prayer is that 2015 is good to us all and we thrive and grow as God directs.
      Thanks so much for your support.

      Peace to you as you walk in your anointing! Go ahead and DO what God has placed in your hear.!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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