Just an observation…

Yesterday I took a walk to not only shake a few pounds but stimulate my brain. As I’m enjoying the fresh air, I am struck by the wide variety of trees and leaves and how beautiful they all are.

It then occurs to me, why can’t we appreciate people the same way? 

The woods I walk past are God planted, not man-made. The trees appear randomly placed. There are all kinds, shapes and colors. Some are evergreen magnolias, short scrub oaks, lanky pines and majestic maples. There are even more I can’t even name.

A few of them shed their leaves months ago. Others are in various states and transform daily. Some are unchanging yet provide the backdrop for the dynamic show.

I suspect God planted these different trees together for reason. Not that I will ever know what that is, but it certainly makes for a spectacular show.

We are just as diverse as the trees I walk past. We have various body shapes, skin colors, personalities, and backgrounds. Yet, God has placed us here to share this one earth.

What if the diversity among us is intended to make humanity better as a whole?

DSC_6650 (3)  Many of us attempt to “convert” others into what we believe is proper. We tend to hang around people who fit our mold. We gravitate toward people like us. Very rarely do most of us dare deliberately talk and mingle with people different from ourselves.

Often if we see someone who dresses unconventionally, acts a bit “odd” or lives a lifestyle we think is “crazy” we will superficially judge them and readily write them off.

I have seen creative or “artistic” people scoffed at and challenged to do something “practical” instead of nurturing the gifts God has given them.

I don’t know that we do them a favor by declaring their gifts aren’t valuable profitable. Is it truly a favor or a disservice when we can’t appreciate the talents of others and attempt to herd them into what we “think” they should be?

Not everyone is hardwired to become an accountant, a lawyer or whatever is deemed “practical” on any given day. I know many “professionals” who are miserable working outside of God’s plans for them.

What if the individual quirks that make each of us distinct are there to serve a purpose?

When we dismiss people different from ourselves we lose opportunities to learn and grow in the process.

It may mean you have to do something different or talk with someone unlike yourself to receive a blessing you don’t even know you need.

As I look around at all the various trees they remind me of the “different” people God placed in my life. They have been of various religions, nationalities, races, economic status, political affiliations and only God knows what else.

Many of them blessed me at some of the hardest times of my life. A few influenced my thinking. One in particular encouraged me to face my challenges head on. Still, others made my daily routine that much easier to bear.

With all of our differences we somehow managed to find more common ground that not.

Through each one of them, so very different from myself, I realize I’ve been blessed.

“Thus saith God, the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:” Isaiah 42:5 KJV

By Lilka Finley Raphael

Author, Editor, Gardner, Photographer, Pharmacist


  1. Lilka, I love how you have made the observations of God’s plant made world and compared it to God’s creation of humankind. A very good post which shares a great idea!

    Thanks Lilka for sharing this and have a super day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You make some very valid points here, Lilka! I suppose you are right in almost all you say. But if we find someone living a sinful lifestyle, aren’t we to say something to them about it? We don’t have to sound all “preachy,” nor try to convert them to our beliefs on the spot. We simply show them what God has said on the topic under discussion. No, we can’t always do this. But we can try to as we see an opportunity. And when we do speak, we should do so with respect, not burning admonition…

    I hope you see what I’m driving at…


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do see your point Steve, no doubt and I agree with you. It is the love of Christ that made people desire to change their ways. His healing, mercy and love for the “sinners” such as tax collectors, the woman at the well, lepers and those cast off by society made them desire to “sin no more.”
      I suspect loving people into wholeness which doesn’t mean that we necessarily agree with their actions may draw people to God’s Word and create in them a desire to do better. Some of the grievances denominations have with one another aren’t based in the Word, but rather steeped in tradition. Sometimes it is these small things Christians go crazy about that ultimately blind unbelievers to the greater picture of God’s love.
      “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!” Proverbs 15:23. I think too many people speak “out of season” and out of pride. The lack of respect and “burning admonition” you speak of hardens hearts and drives people away. It is often filled with hate.
      But when we in humility obey the prodding of the Spirit, we can help change lives. When we LOVE first, people are more likely to listen, change and seek God.
      Peace to you and Merry Christmas! 🙂


  3. If the diversity among us was meant to make humanity better as a whole.. we (as a whole) seemed to have failed miserably.
    It seems only when we have first accepted God, and His son as our savior, do we “accept” the differences between us.
    Whatever God’s reasoning behind the differences of His human creation, I am sure He will have it come to pass… in His time.
    Blessings to you, my friend.
    As always… a most thought provoking post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will say my thoughts have been provoked quite a bit these days with all the madness going on in the world. Yet, we must trust God and His divine plan. I agree with you that we we allow ourselves to accept God, we are less likely to war with ourselves and with the differences we find in others. Peace to you and B Blessed 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Barbara for taking time to read and comment on this one.

      I think humanity as a whole tends to underestimate and appreciate one another. Even with the best of intentions it is far to easy to fall into that trap. Peace to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. There is something that I have noticed recently, Lilka. I am a missionary among Jewish people. People that have studied only the Old Testament view people differently. They seem to have dug out more of the nuggets from it while Christians mainly camp out in the New testament. They have taught me more of what it means that all of mankind were created in the image of God and what that means. It doesn’t matter where they are from or what they believe they are still created in His image and they look at everyone different than we do. Nice post.


    1. Thanks Levi! I think you may have a point there. Your comments ring true in my own experience with various people I’ve worked with. I readily admit I spend more time in the New Testament. I wonder how much we really cheat ourselves by doing so. All of God’s Word commands the same consideration and with the exception of a few key books I’m surely very guilty of not spending proper time studying the Old Testament.

      That’s a great observation. Thanks for taking the time to provide the feedback.


  5. Love this! I took a walk the other day and was in amazement of just how beautiful nature is alone. Without alterations, it all is truly made by God! I love how you made that similar connection from your observations.
    – Jasmine C.


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